I am looking forward to three important presentations during the month of November 2017. All of these presentations will be based on my first book titled “A Life Interrupted – the story of my battle with bullying and obsessive compulsive disorder”.
The first presentation is scheduled on Friday Nov 3 at the MN HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) Fall Conference in Minneapolis, MN.
Here is an excerpt from MN HOSA’s website:
“Health Occupations Students of America is a National Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) endorsed by the Department of Education and the Health Occupations Education Division of the Association of Career and Technical Education. HOSA’s mission is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skills, and leadership development of all health occupations education students, therefore helping the student to meet the needs of the health care community”.
My presentation at this conference will be on the topic of “PTSD and OCD from bullying”
My second presentation is scheduled on Friday Nov 10 at the annual conference of FMFWV (Family Medicine Foundation of West Virginia) in Huntington, WV. The topic of my presentation will be “Impact of bullying on mental health – primary care concerns”.
My third presentation will be on Friday Nov 17 at Binghamton University in Binghamton, NY, organized by the Indian International Student Union. My topic there will be “Long term psychological impact of bias-based bullying”