Apr 09, 2020

Yesterday, our governor Tim Walz just extended the “stay at home” order for all Minnesotans till May 4. I really support this extension because I strongly believe that this is the only way to keep ourselves safe from this dangerous virus. During the press conference on Wednesday, the governor shared some very useful information that is also extremely encouraging. He showed data to demonstrate that there are clear signs that the number of cases in Minnesota is following a much flatter curve compared to many of the other states where numbers have gone up much more rapidly. The data shows that if we continue to focus on social distancing and staying home, it is very likely that out health care system will be able to handle the situation when we do reach the inevitable peak. And that should result in minimizing the number of deaths.

I know that all of us are extremely frustrated for not being able to resume our normal lifestyle. But we need to continue to follow the governor’s guidelines because that is only way we can keep ourselves and others as safe as possible.

By the way, my publisher is continuing the special promotional offer for my books till April 20. She thought it will be a good time for people to read books while they are stuck at home. That’s why she decided to offer the books (ebook version) at no charge. I thought this was a great suggestion. So if anyone is interested in receiving a free ebook version of any of my books, please go to the following:



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