Feb 18, 2016

Harassment in the workplace is a critical issue and all organizations must be careful in making sure they have appropriate processes and procedures in place to avoid significant problems. It is also important that all employees have a thorough understanding as to what kinds of things might constitute ‘harassment’ and what kinds of impact that might have.

Harassment in the workplace can come in various shapes and forms. However, in general it is about treating everyone the same way (i.e., fairly) no matter who the individual might be and how different he/she might be from others. As we all know, employees can be different from each other in many different ways. That is why it is critical to make sure they are all treated fairly and similarly.

If an organization is not able to maintain a well-established approach in this regard, it may have to deal with difficult situations that might be significantly unproductive for the organization. First of all it creates a negative environment that contributes to under-achievement as a company. It can also be damaging financially if the victim decides to fight back in terms of a lawsuit. In general, it can cause several different outcomes that are typically negative for the company.

That is why training in this area is critical for all employees. It’s important for all organizations to have appropriate processes and procedures in place so that difficult situations can be handled through a well-established framework.


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